Come to Block Island, to our Quiet Corner

Quiet Times in the Quiet Corner

The Cottage

The Big House

A Little Local Family History

To Insure You Get Your Share of Block Island Sunsets



A Little Local Family History

Joe & Barbara Kastner built the Big House in 1971, after vacationing nearby in rented quarters for 15 years.  Family and friends were always welcome, and the house bustled all season long.  When Joe retired after 40 years as Copy Editor of LIFE Magazine, he turned to a long time love, writing about nature.  But concentrating midst the turmoil proved difficult: in 1988 he built the Cottage.  The spare room was his office and the books poured out.  Best known are A Species of Eternity and A World of Watchers.


The Cottage, which has seen mostly grown ups, has stood up well.  We like to maintain it as a slightly fussy, somewhat austere (though never uncomfortably formal) retreat.  The Big House has fared less well:  its appearance has been neglected.  But it’s the first choice for our get togethers, and it’s our intention to see that it continues to be a haven for families: we expect a certain amount of rough and tumble.


If an informal, relatively inexpensive family vacation is your goal, the BH should suit you fine.  If you’re doubtful (and if you don’t have a minivan full of young children) consider the Cottage.  If you can’t decide, give us a call.


35  Glen Grove Road

Deep River,  CT    06417


(860) 526-3581



P.O. Box 1210

Block Island, R.I. 02807


(401) 466-5446

FAX: 466-4119




165 Boggs Hill Road

Newtown, CT 06470


(203) 426-8084